
THE challenge

MongoDB wanted to take their global SKO FY25 meeting to a whole new level, aiming for a major upgrade from previous years. The plan was to host over 2500 attendees, a tenfold increase in scale. They needed an event that was not only visually stunning but also technologically advanced to keep everyone engaged. The big challenge was managing the logistics of such a large crowd, integrating various tech elements smoothly, and creating an immersive experience that stayed true to the MongoDB brand.

THE solution

To tackle this, our team custom-designed screens and set/staging that perfectly reflected MongoDB’s unique brand style. We introduced an integrated LED system that extended the content into the event space, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere. Interactive 3D moments were added to make the experience more immersive for attendees. On top of that, we developed a comprehensive branding and signage package to ensure a consistent and strong visual presence throughout the event. Through meticulous planning and execution, we made sure all the elements worked together seamlessly, delivering a top-notch experience for everyone.

THE Result

The global SKO FY25 meeting was a huge success, achieving a 10x scale increase from the previous year. The custom-designed screens and set/staging were a big hit, and the integrated LED system along with the interactive 3D moments really boosted attendee engagement. The extensive branding and signage package kept the visual presence strong and cohesive throughout the event. This successful execution not only met but exceeded MongoDB’s expectations, setting a new standard for their future events. Our partnership with MongoDB continues to grow, driving further innovation and success in our collaborative efforts.